“I Have a Great Client Referral For You”

by | September 26, 2022

If you are an attorney or another type of service professional, that’s what you would like to hear when your phone rings! Right? You would be surprised how often it can happen under the right circumstances.

Let’s take a look at what it takes for another professional to pick up the phone and call you with a coveted client referral and not the four or five of your competitors they could call.

Unless you get all of your business off the internet or the yellow pages, more than likely, you will either get referrals from satisfied clients or other professionals who know you, have a relationship with you and who would gladly recommend you to one of their clients to solve their issue. Referrals from happy clients are the best but, in most cases they are far and few between. Most of your referrals will come from other professionals.

Let’s face it, we put our reputations on the line every time we recommend another professional to one of our clients. When an existing client of another professional asks for advice on who would be a good fit to help them solve a legal issue they are doing so out of respect for them and the way they serve them. While it is an honor, it is also an important responsibility. If any of us refer someone and they do not perform, it will diminish the respect the client has for our decision making and choices.

Whether it is getting a client referral or referring one,  there are never guarantees on performance.  What is important, is that a client gets a referral from a professional that is known and trusted by the referrer.

There are four universal success factors, that if considered, will make your phone ring with the right referrals. When referring, it will also give you a great chance to help your client solve their issue, give another professional a great referral and enhance your relationship with your client and the professional.

Here they are:

1. Do not take a chance on someone you recently met at a networking event and then think that maybe you should refer them without knowing anything about them or the type and size of clients they serve.

2. Take the time to get to know someone on a personal level who has the technical background that can help your clients. Your reputation depends on it.

3. Do your due diligence in understanding the type of clients a professional works with and how long they have been doing it. Once you have a good idea on the type of clients, you need to make sure they have worked with the similar size of clients that you do. Based on their market fit, they will be able to bring resources to bear that will help your clients get the results they need and want.

4. It is not what a person says that is important, it is their actions that do the talking. We all want someone who is dependable, follows up on what they have committed to do, communicates and will do their work in a timely way.

Developing and investing in just 10-15 committed referral partnerships can make a significant difference in helping you get the client referrals you want to achieve the success you desire without wasting time.

If you are tired of all the networking and not much to show for it, go to https://relpip.com to check out how you can become part of a community that supports people really helping each other through committed relationships.

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